Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja 13
Chase Cooper back again with my THIRTEENTH diary as a 6th grade ninja! This weekend is Zoe’s birthday and the whole squad is celebrating by playing in a scavenger hunt inside a two-story arcade! Sounds like the best time ever, right? Well, it would be except for the fact that Wyatt’s ALSO in the hunt, and his red ninjas are helping him cheat behind the scenes. As if that wasn’t enough, somebody at the arcade caught me on camera wearing my ninja gear, uploaded the video on the internet, and dubbed me the “Arcade Ninja.” I mean, the fame is pretty nice, but it makes my job WAY harder because now I have to try and stop the red ninjas while everybody in the whole building is looking for ME, the Arcade Ninja! Man, I just can’t seem to catch a break!
About the Author
Marcus Emerson is the author of the popular DIARY OF A 6TH GRADE NINJA series, KID YOUTUBER, and the SUPER LIFE OF BEN BRAVER. His goal is to create children's books that are engaging, funny, and inspirational for kids of all ages. Follow him on Instagram @mr.marcus.emerson or visit him at MarcusEmerson.com.