Essential Property Investment Calculations
Essential Property Investment Calculations
Like any other form of investment, property investment is largely a numbers game. But there’s a big gap between the techniques used by individual investors in the residential buy-to-let market and the more disciplined, numbers-led approach used by professional real estate investors. Moreover, there is no single source of knowledge or wisdom that brings all these calculation techniques and metrics together in one place. This book aims to bridge this gap. It will teach you the property investment techniques and formalised metrics used by professional investors to assess property deals and manage their portfolios.
Essential Property Investment Calculations is a guide to all the calculations, numerical techniques and metrics you need to know to take your property investing to the next level.
Part One
Part One is all about the early stages of property investment and assessing property deals. It will teach you the property investment calculations you need to know to find, finance and close any property deal. You'll learn techniques used by property valuation experts and negotiation strategies you can use to close your next property deal.