How To Read The Bible & Not Get Confused
The Bible documents seven covenants or contracts. Terms and conditions apply. Anyone not clear on which contract applies to them, why, and how, will inevitably be confused regarding what Christianity is all about. This book is simple, straight-forward and clear. It will help you read your Bible with understanding. You will know what Jesus did and why, and how it applies to you. You will also be able to approach any passage of Scripture armed with that knowledge, and be able to apply it appropriately to your life and circumstances. What beta-readers are saying about the book: “This book is potent in the best sense of the word. Easy to read with analogies that cleared the mud in my thinking and left me with such clarity and understanding of my Bible, how to read and apply it. This is not another layer of “How To” to slap on the top of life, but a deep foundational re-alignment in Jesus that will bring everything else into peace and order, regardless of what circumstances we face. Read it!” “I have just finished proof-reading this book and have been blown away. In a few short pages Gavin has provided concise teaching on understanding the Bible. There is something for everyone; from the new Christian who could be making heavy weather of getting to grips with the Scriptures, to “mature” Christians of many years’ standing. His thought processes are clear, the style of writing is conversational without being overly chatty and we are left in no doubt that the entire Bible is about Jesus and the finished work of the cross. I thought that I had a reasonable grasp of the seven covenants and God’s redemptive plan for mankind but this book brings fresh understanding and revelation. Highly recommended.” Order your copy today!
About the Author
I am an entrepreneur, author, husband and father, but my passion is the Gospel. My primary expression of ministry is in the leadership of the Highway Christian Church in East London, South Africa.
Having been in ministry for several decades, it was my joy some years ago to discover the Gospel. I had been living in a condemnation-riddled mixture of law and grace, and the Gospel's freedoms have revolutionized my life and ministry completely.
SoMuchGoodNews? Because the Gospel is the Best News Ever!