Multiplying Motivation
Does that one thing you have been striving for seem to always be just beyond reach? Do you wake up missing that vigor and excitment to attack the new day? What is missing is motivation. Motivation drives us to take that next step, to finish that project or to simply just get started. Mutiplying Motivation is a guidebook that will help you break free from the duldrums and find your inner drive. This book features:
◆ Understanding the power of motivation
◆ Pitfalls that interfere with your maximum motivation
◆ How to super charge your motivaion and atack any goal with focus
So, do not wait another minute, whether you need a little boost for yourself or there is someone in your life that could benifit from a little more drive, Multiplying Motivation is for you. Give this book a try and let me know what you think by leaving a quick review✓✓. I always love hearing what is working and what I can improve. ★★Thanks and enjoy!★★