The Spirit World
First published in 1921, this fascinating book explores the depiction of angels, demons, and other spirits in the Bible, and features illustrations of ‘Satan's Throne’, ‘Angels Appearing to Abraham’, ‘Christ Casting Out a Demon’, ‘The Witch of Endor’, and much more. Readers of religion, mythology, and classical literature will be riveted. The Reverend Clarence Larkin was one of the most widely influential pop theologians of the early twentieth century, and his works remain intriguing explorations of Christian philosophy today. In this day of the revival of ‘Spiritism’, when so many are longing to communicate with the dead, and are resorting to forbidden means to that end; a day in which science is trying to discover whether there is another world than this, and whether men live after death, it seems timely that a book should be written to show what the Holy Scriptures have revealed of the ‘World of Spirits’.